O maior guia Para principios do estoicismo

La concepción do un cosmos dotado por un principio rector inteligente desemboca en una visión determinista del mundo donde nada azaroso puede acaecer: todo está gobernado por una ley racional que es inmanente (tais como su logos) y necesaria; el destino pelo es más qual la estricta cadena de los acontecimientos (causas) ligados entre sí: «Los sucesos anteriores son causa de aquellos de que les siguen, y en esta manera Lindas las cosas van ligadas unas a las otras, y así no sucede cosa alguna en el mundo qual pelo sea enteramente consecuencia por aquella y ligada a la misma como a su causa». (SVF, II, 945).

Su teoría era empirista, ya qual afirmaba que todo conocimiento proviene por los sentidos y qual en ellos es que se debe confiar. Decía de que la fuente do los errores no estaba en los sentidos, sino de que los juicios de que se formulaban.

Later Roman Stoics focused on promoting a life in harmony within the universe, over which one has pelo direct control.

As a result of this dichotomy, a large class of objects were left unassigned and thus regarded as indifferent.

According to Medley (2003), this pattern is simply a reflection of the dominant cultural dynamics of the time, affected as they were by the conquests of Alexander.

, and so is a certain unifying way of considering the virtues. Justice can be conceptualized as practical wisdom applied to social living; courage as wisdom concerning endurance; and temperance as wisdom with regard to matters of choice.

A fundamental aspect of Stoic philosophy is the twofold idea that ethics is central to the effort, and that the study of ethics is to be supported by two other fields of inquiry, what the Stoics called “logic” and “physics.” Together, these form the three topoi

According to this account, then, Stoic epistemology is externalist (for example, Almeder 1995), rather than internalist (for example, Goldman 1980). Indeed, there is evidence that they became—again as a result of criticism from the Skeptics—reliabilists about knowledge (Goldman 1994). Athenaeus tells of the story of Sphaerus, a student of Cleanthes and colleague of Chrysippus, who was shown at a banquet what turned out to be birds made of wax. After he reached to pick one up he was accused of having given estoicismo assent to a false impression. To which he—rather cleverly, but indicatively—replied that he had merely assented to the proposition that it was reasonable

Trabajaron considerablemente con la parte de la lógica y se destacan porque a pesar de de que eran empiristas (decían de que el conocimiento deriva do las percepciones); tambifoin afirmaban qual existen algunas ideas innatas.

Logic and Physics are related to Ethics because Stoicism is a thoroughly naturalistic philosophy. Even when the Stoics are talking about “God” or “soul,” they are referring to physical entities, respectively identified with the rational principle embedded in the universe itself and with whatever makes human rationality possible.

As far as the Stoics are concerned, however, it is good to remember that “passion” did not mean what we now mean by that term, and indeed it did not even exactly overlap with the term “emotion” in the modern sense of the word. That is why it is grossly incorrect to say that the Stoics aimed at a passionless life, or at the suppression of emotions.

The article sums it pretty well your views that you put on the book as a summary of the reading list you have at the end of the book.

Los estoicos proclamaron de que se puede alcanzar la libertad y la tranquilidad tan solo siendo ajeno a las comodidades materiales, la fortuna externa y dedicándose a una vida guiada por los principios por la razón y la virtud (tal es la idea de la imperturbabilidad este ataraxia). Asumiendo una concepción materialista de la naturaleza, siguieron a Heráclito en la creencia do que la sustancia primera se halla en el fuego y en la veneración del logos, de que identificaban con la energía, la ley, la razón y la providencia encontradas en la naturaleza.

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